Last month we were so thankful for a visit from Aunt Shosh, Uncle Adam, and the kids' beloved Newfoundland cousin, Jakson! It was a much anticipated visit, and it lived up to expectations.
One of life's joys is seeing my sisters love my little ones. I have one older sister, Shoshannah, and boy does she love her little nephews and niece. Ella spent a lot of time being cuddled by her aunt.

The boys played and played.
One of life's joys is seeing my sisters love my little ones. I have one older sister, Shoshannah, and boy does she love her little nephews and niece. Ella spent a lot of time being cuddled by her aunt.
The boys played and played.
Uncle Adam is beloved because he loves to tease. (During our visit to the ROM, we had lunch in the bright, sunny cafeteria, and Adam kept teasing the kids that he was going to steal their food. A month later, the kids still laughingly mention that, "Uncle Adam better not eat all their food!"
And of course no visit would be complete without at least a couple trips to the High Park Castle Playground.
Shosh and I took the older kids on a long (3 mile!) walk downtown. Sort of by accident. But eventually we made it to the movie theatre.