A couple months back, the kids and I watched Peter Pan for the first time. They were mesmerized by this classic story, and so this year, our home was invaded by one charming Peter Pan, one adorable Captain Hook and the most darling Tinkerbell I've ever seen.

Ella's tutu was a handmade gift made by this designer.
Ella's tutu was a handmade gift made by this designer.
For trick-or-treating, we were joined by a portly capitalist, Sir Topham Hatt (aka Jack Clary), and a little Molly Monkey.
Nana Ganz was in town for this special day. Who better to lug around an irritated Tinkerbell than her Grandma?
On the day after Halloween, after a day of fun and intense sugar highs, I left the boys in the living room for a couple minutes while I was in the kitchen. When I walked back in, I first saw Josh. He crashed hard.