We spent a wonderful week in Santa Cruz with a bunch of our New York family. Though there was much beauty and fun that was a part of this trip, with out any contest, the best part was simply being able to be with our family; to spend time with people that we love.
There were also some fun little details about Santa Cruz that were interesting. It's an authentic beach town, and on any given morning, if you walked along the cliff, you would see hundreds of surfers out doing their thing. If you click on the picture below, you'll see a bunch of black dots. Those are all the die-hard surfers, out there on this overcast California morning. (Every day began overcast but turned brilliantly sunny by late morning.)

Justin's Mom rented this great place a not more than a couple hundred feet from the ocean. The kids all had lots of fun playing together all week long.
There were also some fun little details about Santa Cruz that were interesting. It's an authentic beach town, and on any given morning, if you walked along the cliff, you would see hundreds of surfers out doing their thing. If you click on the picture below, you'll see a bunch of black dots. Those are all the die-hard surfers, out there on this overcast California morning. (Every day began overcast but turned brilliantly sunny by late morning.)
Justin's Mom rented this great place a not more than a couple hundred feet from the ocean. The kids all had lots of fun playing together all week long.
The beaches were beautiful; sunny and warm, with huge waves. We made quite a big group, down there on the beach.
Justin, too, spent lots of time in the ocean, riding the waves on his boogie board. Other than the last day where I cut up my leg and my knee because of some huge waves that knocked me to the ocean floor, I spent quite a few hours out there riding the waves as well. The water was cold, but not so cold that you couldn't swim.
Our niece, Eva, spent a lot of time with her little cousin, Josh, during this vacation. It was really sweet to see them solidify their friendship.
Ella playing with the seaweed. We had such a wonderful week with this little one, and she is such a joy; brings such delight.